Common Sense Sales Training

Learn proven sales strategies and tactics for individuals & corporations

  • 2-Day Boot Camp Intensive
    Sales Training
  • Corporate Training Programs customized to your company’s needs
  • NEW: Online training 24/7.
    Our absolute best material.
  • Reinforcement available for all programs
  • High Performance Sales Management Workshop
  • Powerful techniques, tips & motivation with each weekly Monday Morning Sales Coach Newsletter
Today’s buyers look for seller who are problem solvers, not product pushers. Learn how to outsell your competition and dominate your market.

2-Day Boot Camp

See Event Dates
Do you sell in a competitive, complex selling environment where relationships and consultative selling skills are a must for success? Our sales training bootcamp can help.

Company Training Programs

For Sales Managers & Corporations
Sales training for your company can be conducted on-site at your offices or at our comfortable San Diego, CA location.

Online Training

Online sales training for sales people and for sales managers. This self paced e-learning platform delivers proven results with accountability and tangible measurements for success.

Learn why the top 10% of sales super stars are miles ahead of the rest of the pack

Thousands of sales professionals have elevated their sales skills with Common Sense Selling. For over 20 years Jim Dunn & John Schumann have been training sales professionals for companies worldwide. Now we’re bringing our acclaimed Common Sense Selling® training to you, at a price you can afford. Learn more »
Today’s buyers want solutions, not sales pitches. This is not the same old tired “feature & benefit approach” to selling that no longer works on today’s sophisticated buyers. Selling has changed. The days of the product pusher are long gone. Learn more »
You can’t make a living coming in second place. Your competition is plotting to kick your butt every day. Half your prospects are looking for reasons not to buy from you. You can’t improve your skills without training. You’ll lose your edge in a rapidly changing business environment if you don’t stay on top of your game. Learn more »
Free MondayMorning Sales Coach Newsletter

Not sure what type of sales training is right for you or your company? Take the free Sales Force Assessment or call us at 858-627-0726.

REAL PEOPLE Testimonials | See all Tesimonials

Get your sales team prepared for the growing challenges that lie ahead with a fresh approach to training! Call us today at 858-627-0726

Companies That use the Common Sense Sales Training